Most men think it is the muscular body or the blue eyes that girls find sexy.Yes, it is; but it's not the "only" thing that makes them sexy. Then, what is it that girls think are sexy in men? Here are some simple, unintentional things that men do, are cute and sexy.
Adjusting their Ties
Smiling at themselves
Rolling up sleeves
Leaning against a wall or a table
Leaning Forward
When men lean forward to the co-worker's workstation, or to listen carefully, they surely don't intend to look sexy, but unintentionally they do. When guys lean forward they appear aggressive(in a positive way, passionate and approaching. Unintentional, therefore Sexy!!!
Scratching Beard
Yes, many girls find it sexy too!!
TIP: Don't overdo these gestures after reading this article,it may have reverse effects.
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Very good article.Things i didnt know.Now I think I will have a better chance to impress ladies.
ReplyDeleteGood information article.
For jokes and memes