Monday, 26 May 2014

Bollywood vs Hollywood

India is the largest producer of films in the world in terms of its number of movies in several languages. Largest film industry in India is the Hindi film industry known as the Bollywood which is based in Mumbai. Hollywood is the American film industry, the main centre of which is Los Angeles, California. 

We make movies; they make stylish movies. We have stars, they have mega stars. By the way we have Rajnikant.

The two are very different in all aspects.Lets take a look at this light-hearted comparison.

Reality and dramatisation: 

Lessons they teach.....


Thats true.Be it storyline,dressing style or even posters;Bollywood is really good at copying from legendary Hollywood blockbusters.


Maybe that's just coincidence.

Award functions:

Do we need to compare?? By the way bollywood certainly more entertaining than those bunch of guys in black suits and women in weird black dresses.(Well, that was a joke.)

Now some facts...

We leave it on you to decide.Tell us your views in comments.
Your comments are most welcome.

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