Friday, 6 June 2014

Types of Friends we all have in School/College

Friends are best part of our life.They make our life beautiful and full of fun.All through our life, we meet many people, many become our friends and some of them become best friends. Some friends are irritating, some friends are sweet, some friends are funny, some are cool, and most of them are fantastic.But they are perfect and awesome just the way they are.Agree??

   Wherever you live,whichever language you speak,whichever school/college you go;you will find  at least some of the following types of friends.So read and find out which of your friends resemble each category. Don't forget to share this with your pals.

# The Comedian

They don't need a reason to laugh. Just laugh and laugh and laugh.
Even if you say your dog died the other day; his reaction"wow now poor soul doesn't have to tolerate you.hahahaaaaa".
 Well sometimes they are helpful too especially when you are depressed because you had a fight with your gf.

# The Party Guy

 You-"Man I failed in this semester,feeling really bad". 
He -"Dude me too.Let's have some beer .Partyyy time."
   Whatever happens they are ready to party.All the time ,all situations.

# The Ever Hungry Guy(Bhukkad)

 Their life's only motto is"Keep calm and Keep eating".You will in fact fear from opening your tiffin box in front of this friend and these friends are large in numbers.

# The Gangsters

  These friends are the ‘hatke’(different) type of people; you wouldn't mess with them if you have common sense. You might have only become friends with them to seek comfort of their dadagiri.

# The Pervert Guy

 Do I need to say anymore??

# The nerd 

This friend only studies and studies and does nothing else. A very useful friend if you aren't good at studies. Most popular during the exam time, of course!

# The Bunking Dude

 Actually they don't bunk classes,they sometimes bunk the ground to attend!!

Monday, 2 June 2014

Sexy things that Men unknowingly Do


 Most men think it is the muscular body or the blue eyes that girls find sexy.Yes, it is; but it's not the "only" thing that makes them sexy. Then, what is it that girls think are sexy in men? Here are some simple, unintentional things that men do, are cute and sexy.

Adjusting their Ties

Smiling at themselves

Rolling up sleeves

Leaning against a wall or a table

Leaning Forward

When men lean forward to the co-worker's workstation, or to listen carefully, they surely don't intend to look sexy, but unintentionally they do. When guys lean forward they appear aggressive(in a positive way, passionate and approaching. Unintentional, therefore Sexy!!!

Scratching Beard

Yes, many girls find it sexy too!!

TIP: Don't overdo these gestures after reading this article,it may have reverse effects.

Share it with your friends and comment your experiences.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Child stars stuck with their old face

 Some things never change like mountains,rivers,sea,sun.......
But there are some child stars too who didn't change.I mean their childhood face stuck with them.
Be it "Jack" from Titanic,"Harry Potter",or the "Home Alone" kid; they never changed.

Here's a list of  a few of those never changing stars.

Elijah Wood

Daniel Radcliffe

Selena Gomez

 Leonardo DiCaprio

Macaulay Culkin

Do tell us about anyone we missed.Share this with your friends.

Monday, 26 May 2014

Bollywood vs Hollywood

India is the largest producer of films in the world in terms of its number of movies in several languages. Largest film industry in India is the Hindi film industry known as the Bollywood which is based in Mumbai. Hollywood is the American film industry, the main centre of which is Los Angeles, California. 

We make movies; they make stylish movies. We have stars, they have mega stars. By the way we have Rajnikant.

The two are very different in all aspects.Lets take a look at this light-hearted comparison.

Reality and dramatisation: 

Lessons they teach.....


Thats true.Be it storyline,dressing style or even posters;Bollywood is really good at copying from legendary Hollywood blockbusters.


Maybe that's just coincidence.

Award functions:

Do we need to compare?? By the way bollywood certainly more entertaining than those bunch of guys in black suits and women in weird black dresses.(Well, that was a joke.)

Now some facts...

We leave it on you to decide.Tell us your views in comments.
Your comments are most welcome.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Top 10 College Fests In India

When you are a college student, you always have one event of the year to look forward to. An event that makes your birthday look secondary, and you save all your money to spend on this particular event. Yes, you might have guessed it right, I am talking of college fests. College festivals are a big part of college life, they are some days of carnival where you can just party and think nothing of the otherwise severe academic pressure. Here are the top 10 college fests that you must visit:

1. Mood Indigo, IIT Mumbai: 
            This started out in 1971 by a group of college students and currently claims to be the biggest fest in all of Asia. It is interesting how the mood became indigo. According to IIT Bombay, the indigo color was chosen as it is a mixture of Red and blue, thus not only giving space to artistic passions but also to the calm, rational minds. IIT Bombay organizes a number of competitions and events, such as the competition for drama, literature, film and photography, music, dance and other such events that not only make the core of the fest, but are also able to draw a crowd of approx. 1 lakh students from all over India. What is also special other than their star night are ‘pro shows’ that feature well known national and international artists from all genres of music. World fest works similarly, just featuring dance troupes from all over the world. Mood Indigo also works in collaboration with various institutions working for social cause. The grandeur of the event, along with its participation is what makes it so different, so mighty.

2. Incident:
     The fest of National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) in Surathkal was started in 80’s and with every passing year touches a level of grandeur never touched before. What is attractive here is the private beach with a light house, where you can always relax after a busy day participating in the plethora of events organized. This is the second biggest fest in south India, and has promising competitions and magnanimous performances. A number of beach sports, video game events, adventure sports and other such exciting events are organized. This 5 day event is worth the hype, totally!

3. OASIS, BITS Pilani: 
           This one is going to keep you awake for nights, literally. Oasis is a 96 hour festival organized in the month of October, and this one promises fun and no sleep, for it runs all night and all day for 96 hours. The variety of competitions here are huge, and it takes pride in being the only fest that has rap wars, giving a platform to all talented rappers in the country. Along with this, exposure and rocktaves also makes the headline. Exposure being the photography fest which is a competition cum exhibition. Rocktaves is one of the most prestigious rock competitions in India. With a variety of celebrities being in the campus during this time, Oasis promises 96 hours of pure fun and frolic.

4. Alcheringa: 
        Popularly known as Alcher, it is the annual cultural festival of the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India. Alcheringa, the name, is a word in the Indigenous Australian Aranda language used to refer to the Dreamtime. And inspite of the fact that this fest is relatively new in comparison to others, this has still made its mark. What Alcharinga is famed for, other than the start studded nights and the amazing performances is its campaign on major movements such as North East unveiled. The Pro nights are a major attraction, with every night in the four night festival dedicated and catering to a different genre. This is a festival to be witnessed, and not told about. So, you must book your tickets and witness this one.

5. Riviera, Vellore Institute of technology: 
        Riviera, or reliving the era, completely makes one relive the era in the four days of the event. Riviera holds more than 100 events, and in 2014 this celebrated the era of cinema. Riviera is famous for its grand star night. The planning and development summit, the literary fest along with the book fair, and the variety of sports competitions organized is what makes Riviera what it is. Riviera is proud of a participation of above 4000 students coming from all over the country, and around 45000 VIT students themselves. The debating tournament witnesses a participation that is from across the nation and from other countries. Riviera also organizes a marathon, thus one of the few fests of the country that organizes a sports and cultural fest together. Riviera is a delight to attend to, and if you love fests, this one should sure be on your check list.

6. Spring fest is the life of IIT Kharagpur:  
          It is a 3 days 4 nights event, a time when IIT Kharagpur comes alive with life, music, dance and most importantly with a hundred memories that are created here. Spring fest started in 1960, which makes it one of the oldest college fests of India. And since the last 55 years, this has been the carnival with a perfect blend of fun and competition. There are a plethora of competitions that rock the college during this time, ranging from literary, dramatics to film and photography. What makes students starry eyed for this event is the Perpz – an all day dance floor. The Hard Talk also draw a large intellectual crowd, who gather to hear the various talks by eminent personalities. SF therefore has all that you want, to offer to a huge variety of interests. Spring Fest has been here since half a century.

7. Antaragni, IIT Kanpur: 
        Antaragni – The word means the ‘fire within’ and that is what the fest is all about. Every year they come out with a creative theme, and their promise to make the four days of the fest memorable for a life time holds gravity. There are a number of events, the film festival, the dramatics competition and a number of highly creative literary competitions. It is difficult to do justice to the grandeur of the fest that is organized, but the informal steal the show. With a number of creative games such as scavenger hunt, theme based game (last year for the theme outlaw, the game was family mafia), and blind date, the informal taking place till late in the night demands a must presence. The star nights are just amazing, and IIT Kanpur acts as a wonderful host for the huge numbers of colleges participating in the fest. Antaragni definitely lights the fire within, and turns you into a changed person for all the four days of the event.

8. Raagam, NIT Calicut: 
          This one has a story behind it. This fest started out as a memorial to Rajan, the student of then CREC who was taken into police custody during Emergency and allegedly died in the custody in 1976. In 1977, All Kerala Rajan memorial music competition was started. However, this reemerged with all its grandeur in 1987, an inter college fest to commemorate Rajan. The fest blends a variety of events and presents to the hundred plus colleges that participate a plethora of over 80 events. What is interesting with Ragam are the workshops that are organized, from Kite Flying to Catering, this has it all. The star night is grand, and Ragam was the first ever college in kerela to bring an International band, this itself tells us a lot about its grandeur and legacy.

9. Waves, the BITS, Pilani – Goa Campus:       
           Waves started in 2006 and is a relatively new college fest, and inspite of its baby position in comparison with the others, it has come a long way. The fest, very much in the spirits of Goa, holds an event with a marvelous blend of fun and frolic, devotion, dedication and lots of happiness. It holds its fest in late October-early November time, working the season which makes Goa the tourist hub, in their favor. The special events that Waves, Goa offers include Natyanjali, Fashion Parade and Mr. and Ms. Waves. Sea Rock has gone on to become a national event with several elimination rounds. The workshops organized are very interesting and include classes on mock tail making, siporex art and other such creative arts. The star nights are grand and starry. In short, Waves has everything to make it a fest that is ambitious and grand.

10. Rendezvous, the cultural festival of IIT Delhi: 
      This one is a meeting, meeting of all the talent in the country that come together to not just compete but also to lose themselves in the atmosphere of the fest. This fest holds four main attractions – Bigwig, which brings together all the dancers across colleges and pits them against each other, Kaleidoscope – this one is for the fashion fiesta in you, this is a fashion show which sees a huge turnover every year, Blitzkreig – the rock band competition and Dhoom – the Indian musical performance by renowned artists. Along with this, a colorful combination of various literary, music, dance and dramatics competitions are organized which makes the fest one of the most looked forward to event of the year. Rendezvous celebrates intellectualism, creativity and the spirit to party. This is an event that you should surely look forward to.
                                                        By: Parboni Bose

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